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极目设计签约超声波杀菌芳香扩散器画册设计     2009-12-04





Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser sterilization ultrasonic atomization process, and the smoke floating in the air, dust binding, static-through processing of their sediment filter can effectively remove smoke, carbon monoxide, bacteria and other harmful substances and odor. Can effectively kill harmful bacteria suspended in the air and reduce the disease generation, the prevention of influenza, so that the air will be purified. Fresh, such as exposure to nature and protection of human health.

For driving, dry areas, air-conditioned room for people who, with flavors such as the use of ultrasonic aroma diffuser sterilization to avoid dry skin, dry eyes, can rapidly relieve nervous tension, eliminating fatigue, brain tranquilizer that can prevent human skin water excessive loss of water and so on....

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